Monthly Archives: January 2014

1 Year Update


Wowowowowow! Can’t believe it’s been a year! I was wondering if this milestone would ever come around, but here I am – healthy and well. My progress has amazed me and I’m grateful. Though there is some more healing to be had, the worst is behind me and I can get back to the other shenanigans in my life. Christmas and New Years Eve were a delight. I spent it with family and my wonderful boyfriend.

The last little bout of progress has been positive overall. The good news is that the second flare I had back in November died down fairly quickly. I was itch-less for the bulk of December. Some of it has returned though not nearly as intense as the beginning of withdrawal. If I scratch, I get strange burny-tingly sensations all over that’s pretty dang satisfying and makes the itching go away for a good long while. Ahh!

Despite this minor flare that I’m experiencing, I’ve learned that healing isn’t perfect. It doesn’t mean that you won’t have any symptoms later on, but that they progressively dissipate and you begin feeling them less and start to forget about it – slowly but surely. I might say that I’m 90% healed and at the end-tail of this!

Here are a few pictures I took today. Just wanted to show you what healing at 1 year looks like for Leizel and give others reference to others with similar usage history as me (Clobestasol Propionate very lightly and diluted with petroleum jelly over last 3 years of use (Jan 2010-Dec 2012); 1 week course every 3-4 months. Since age 6, mild topicals (class 4 & 5) very infrequently to Dec 2012).


My right wrist got a little more scratching action these last few weeks


Left wrist



Perioral dermatitis much improved. Dark pigmentation is fading. This was the worst area for me as it was difficult to eat, smile, and other mouth-oriented activities. See previous posts for comparison.
It’s worth mentioning that my perioral skin is improved when I use EczeHerbal ointment and calendula cream consistently. I stopped using it out of laziness for a couple weeks and went back to itchy, ozziness.Image

So yooou seeeee, things are feeling/looking better! If you’re reading this and are close to the 1 year mark and are feeling uncertain about your progress, please know that my usage/dosage was fairly modest and was withdrawing off and on for 3 years before I stopped topical steroids (TS) completely last year when I realized that my worsening “Eczema” was actually no longer Eczema but something entirely different. I didn’t think I’d be as healed as I am now. Your body is working at its pace to heal itself. Don’t underestimate your body’s healing powers. Take care of it and it will take care of you. May this New Year be a year of healing and growth.


Happy New Year from K and me!